2010: La Casa De Las Madres

Dedicated to the prevention of domestic violence and aiding in the recovery of its victims for the past 35 years, La Casa de las Madres has grown into a multi-component center featuring 24-hour crisis hotlines, a drop-in counseling center, and an 88-bed temporary housing facility.  In addition, La Casa helps victims of domestic violence in finding safe and affordable housing, provides intervention services for at-risk youth, and runs several educational domestic abuse awareness programs.  Their wide-ranging approach to confronting domestic violence includes many of the complex details often left to traumatized victims – for example, child custody arrangements with their batterers.Importantly, La Casa is proactive in educating many community groups about the pervasiveness of domestic abuse and its long-lasting detrimental effects.  We are happy to name La Casa de las Madres as a worthy recipient of the 2010 Kindling gift.